ATOM Scheduler is a powerful scheduling tool for forward power, day-ahead and intraday
trades on EPEX ETS and M7.
Forward trades can be imported via APIs from an ETRM for scheduling. Availability can be offered to the day-ahead auctions
through easy-to-use auction compilation screens with resultant orders scheduled across the portfolio, the new availability
can be offered into the intraday exchanges and orders used to re-scheduled across the portfolio with the exchange and asset
level trades exported to your ETRM.
Trades are displayed in a screen where they can be automatically, manually or bulk allocated at any level. ATOM alerts the
user to newly imported forward trades from an ETRM or orders (trade data) received from EPEX. Powerful filtering enables
the user to only display pertinent information.
A summary display is provided of availability, proposed position, scheduled position and unassigned trades by period. Drill
downs can navigate the user from the summary portfolio position and trading book positions right down to the position of
the asset and composite engines or units.
Each trading book can be expanded to display the volume and weighted average price (WAP) against each market (forward buy, forward sell, day-ahead buy, day-ahead sell etc) together with the minimum, maximum and remaining position of the book. This information can be displayed at all levels in the hierarchy.
ATOM Scheduler takes into account each asset’s dynamic parameters maintained in the ATOM Asset Manager to ensure the schedule is optimised at all levels to avoid unwanted imbalance and also takes into account commercial constraints such as fair play rules, run time limitations and maximum running hours. ATOM Scheduler uses each asset’s short run marginal costs (SRMC), imported dynamically, to optimise the scheduled position based on commercial profitability. The following scheduling is supported:
Trades can be allocated at any level in the ATOM Portfolio Manager either automatically or manually by the user. The scheduled position is continuously exported via API to a plant control system.
ATOM integrates seamlessly with Genstar4; bids and
offers can be generated based on the position and submitted to National Grid ESO via the
Genstar4 Power Scheduler.
Accepted Balancing Mechanism and TERRE instructions
are returned to ATOM by Genstar4
EDL for scheduling and onward notification to an ETRM system. At all times gate
closure boundaries are observed to ensure activities operate within market rules.
ATOM Optimiser can be accessed from ATOM Scheduler to provide a real-time dashboard of secondary trading opportunities.
Click here to request a call back or telephone +44 (0)23 9431 7620
Telephone: +44 (0)23 9431 7620